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Pond Park Primary School, Lisburn

Penguin topic

31st Jan 2017

P2 have been transported to Antarctica since Christmas as we are learning all about penguins. We have impressed our teachers by learning so many fascinating facts about penguins and have loved making posters and non-fiction books to show what we have learnt. We have also been making non-fiction books using the 'book creator' app on the iPads and practising our keyboard skills by typing penguin facts on the computer.  There has been lots of penguin fun during Play Based Learning and lots of penguin based arts and crafts and music lessons. We even enjoyed pretending to be penguins, balancing the 'egg', passing the 'egg' from the mummy's to the daddy's feet and getting in a huddle to 'keep warm' in PE lessons. Check out our photos to see some of the fun we have been having and some examples of our amazing work.